Thursday, December 29, 2011

Something to keep in mind

I really think this picture/quote is quite inspirational. I have tabbed this on my computer and will also probably print it out for us. 12 weeks seems like a long time....but 12 weeks from now, if we continue to live the way we currently live, I would be wishing I started now. So, now it is! Let's see how far we can get in 12 weeks.

Who are we?

My name is Jackquelyn and I am married to Chris. We have let ourselves go and are tired of it. So, starting when we move into our new apartment (Jan. 4th) we are changing our lifestyle. We want to drop the weight and get healthy.

We LOVE food and it HATES us :) We want to change that. We are going to be changing what we eat and incorporating exercise into our daily lives. Each week, we will take pictures of where we are at, and post our weight (ugh...). I am not happy about that, weight is never something I want anyone to know about me. I know that the more I put out there though, the more motivated I will be for that number to go down. I mean, it is one thing for you to be able to say, "Yes, I did weigh that!" instead of "Yes, I do weigh that." So, we are going to change!

So, we move in the 4th, and we will be taking pictures of us with starting stats on Sunday. I hope that we can provide some inspiration to others through our journey.