Sunday, January 15, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

My Weight Goals

So, obviously, whenever someone wants to lose weight, they have goals. I have a lot of smaller goals:

1: I want to get to the weight I was when I got pregnant. (230)
2: I want to get to the weight I was when I met Chris. (215)
3. I want to hit 200 lbs.

At this point, I will be really excited about hitting goal number 3. I do have some long term goals though. In the end, I would like to be at 170. I know that might still be considered slightly overweight, but that will be such a huge step forward from where I have been in my life.

Monday, January 9, 2012

First Weigh-in

We are moved in, and that means we are moving on to a new lifestyle! I have to say that today has been filled with cravings. I haven't eaten the healthiest, but I have cut down how much I have eaten. Once we fill our fridge, I will be eating a lot healthier.

This week, we are focusing on cutting down our portion sizes and limiting our salt and sugar intake. We are also focusing on taking our daily vitamins and herbs.

We will have to add pictures because we haven't gotten to that point yet, but here are our starting weights:

Chris: 255.8
Jack: 242.8

Publishing these numbers are really difficult for us. We are overweight, and we know that. That is why we are working towards fixing it. We are completely in love, and we want to spend as much time with each other, and our son, as possible! I love my husband more than the best chocolate around, so I will be trying very hard for this to work!

I will post our goals a little later! Here's to a good week!